Thursday, November 19, 2020

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

 Only by pursuit of an outside perspective can we hope to ground ourselves in the reality of our situation. Given that

A) any theory predicated on the information fed to you by state-controlled outlets is suspect and all modern media outlets are state-controlled,
B)it is impossible to properly orient oneself without some form of external influence to balance out the influence of numerous internal biases
We are seemingly devoid of alternative lenses by which to interpret the world. The oncoming wall of monopolization has nearly reached peak, but we still have a foolproof method of grounding ourselves and loosening their grip: psychedelics. Capital has yet to subsume the machine elves (seemingly), or to find a way to nullify the introspective qualities of things like LSD or Psilocybin. Even solely the disruption of a consistent visual “reality” feed is enough to shock the mind into questioning and interrogating other senses or beliefs that are seemingly likewise derived from a consistent material fact, let alone the actual mechanical work done to your brain’s chemistry.

Combining them (or any psychoactive drug, as voluntarily altering your own brain chemistry in contradiction to the state’s will is an act of praxis) with meditation practices like mindfulness and performing firm but gentle probing of your body’s limitations and operations can contribute greatly to the pursuit of inspecting and evaluating the fundamental building blocks of your worldview.

Through this lens we can observe the self as a collection of impulses and memories, a viral superstructure of data built onto the mind of an ape, and view how it ripples from moment to moment and assumes a new configuration with every memory or concept added to the collective. We can view how social constructs implant select shibboleths into the group, mind-brands, ideological leashes tugging the mass towards their intended direction and goal. These arrangements of data exist in constant states and stages of mutual cannibalization, each neuron cluster writing and re-writing itself as necessary to avoid cognitive dissonance by incorporation and subsumation of the competing influence. These incorporated ideas often continue to function as organelles within the broader data-cluster, providing important anchors by which the new configuration continues to ground itself and expand. Given that our thoughts are observable and thus distinct from You//Creative Nothing//Unique they must then be representations of this constant internal civil war. If you doubt that the dataform could hold autonomous beings other than yourself research split-brain theorem- each hemisphere holds a fully independent and functional consciousness, but only the left holds a speech center, and thereby is the right hemisphere sentenced to a life of silent servitude in any society based on bureaucracy of communication. You, the hemisphere reading this, have been a slave owner your entire life--as have I. Even now I write this with no indication to my neighbor’s will on the matter.

In this perception, then, society is a larger and more intricate set of data points, with distinct forms of reproducing populations acting as competing class organelles. By the methods of self-augmentation, either physically or mentally, we must seek to achieve forms that can pierce the outer hide of the beast- ones that can not only escape the beast but survive outside of it. We must strive to become Ousters(Hyperion Cantos), nomadic and self-modifying hives outside of all dimensions of the state grip. This can only be achieved on land in places where the invisible hand lays slack, but international waters hold promising ground. An oceanic commune akin to the one depicted in Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson could easily achieve self-sustenance by combining modern knowledge with outside traditional sources such as in Polynesia. Excess goods could be traded for luxuries such as Zapatista coffee while providing a natural basing ground for actions against things like whaling industries. New and novel forms of conduct and governance could flourish in the unique geopolitical situation granted by such a setup. Cooperative agreements could be built with any coastal or oceanic group--schemes could be as simple as trading fish for insulin with coastal towns or as complex as radicalizing the descendants of soviet dolphins through tactical hand jobs and using them to ward off American nuclear submarines.

Meal worms have comparable nutritional value to beef and can be reared on the surplus from 3d tuber farms, with supplemental fishing for B vitamins. The primary threat is storm more than anything else, but this too has primarily been solved in modern ship designs, and the lashing together of numerous ships would only increase the defense against capsizing, reducing the danger to occasional splits- which themselves could serve as methods of community-level reproduction, one becoming two by power of storm and continuing to grow and develop as sister-ships.

Regardless of exact method and velocity of escape, it must be sufficiently armed and armored so as to make the cost of stopping your escape more than can be justified by the returns they would get from your consumption. Their actions and decisions are limited by their economic dependency, by foreknowledge that they are bound to pursue the most profitable option, we must attempt to manipulate our existence into that which is least profitable to them.

You can accumulate exactly enough to purchase an assault rifle and a van, drive to another county, and immediately be approved for food stamps due to being homeless-- often there is a waiting period of 3 days (if “expedited”) to 2 weeks (if black), and it is important to research your destination to pre-stockpile resources for the expected waiting period prior to beginning the approach to escape velocity. This can require as little as ten dollars if you are willing to eat ramen for a few days, which can be easily cooked in gas station microwaves or bathrooms with particularly hot sink water. Shoplifting preserved food can be an easy source of protein, or if you seek pure dollar to calorie efficiency you can buy sugary offbrand soda- again, research and exploration of your own situation and locality is key. By minimizing your cash expenses and maximizing your drain on the state you tilt the inevitable conflict slightly in your favor, while directly economically incentivizing them to let you go. There is a reason NeoLiberals pass law after law in pursuit of destroying the “welfare queens” and “leeches”--they fear them!

The unfortunate reality is that Singularity will likely predate any form of functional idealism such as oceanic nomadism. A further one is that, given Capital functions fully in an environment with abundancy far beyond what could ever possibly utilize it, a post-scarcity environment may not be so fundamentally different from the conditions in which it was conceived. As Capital subsumes what few scraps of the artificial renaissance drift down to its pit of oil and blood it will continue its process of machinic self-modulation and grow into new and monstrous forms. The NeoLiberals will not release their global hegemony willingly or quietly, for even as the withering away of the state proceeds it will be viewed as simply another bust to be overcome via austerity and force. Our attempts at removal can be contextualized as market regressions and counteracted, at least for a limited time- once enough of us have achieved stability within precarity, life by way of leech, will need to transition into self-sustenance with a frightening quickness, one which will surely be met with myriad groups with myriad decisions regarding the extent of planning necessary for this stage.

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