Monday, November 23, 2020
Transhumanism and the State
The core idea of "improving collective humanity through technology" is as natural to me as swimming downstream. Technology itself is a manifestation of growth in the collective consciousness, a superstructure of data-points coalescing into real world improvement of the human condition, whether it takes the form of personally teaching others that burning your spear tip makes it harder or developing a new form of micro-chip and disseminating it through the world market. As these processes continue to carry us downstream they naturally change with the roiling topography of the river, constantly in flux but always maintaining a constant direction. And naturally, the state has industrialized this too.
Just as a dam functions by limiting throughput to generate energy, stymying technological progress is an incredibly profitable business. The state has positioned itself as the sole provider of our needs, the only source of our physical(food, water, shelter) and mental(attachmen, control/orientation, pleasure/absence of pain, self-enhancement) requirements with complete and absolute control over their distribution. How then could it stand to allow this force which brings all of those benefits with it?
We can view this inherent failure of liberal democratic capitalism to function without artificial scarcity in their boogie-man of “the resource curse”, which they attempt to explain by claiming a mystical dutch curse (yes, seriously) causes their other resources to fail while they attempt to get the new venture off the ground, all in attempt to avoid even entertaining the concept that liberal democracy may not be the best system- to avoid the concept that “industrialize or starve” carries less weight when they are less able to suppress the target market’s access to necessities.
Despite being constant and universal, technology has been reduced within the liberal canon to an investment portfolio, monopolized into a profit-driven academic system which operates behind obvious and present economic/class barriers. Under the current system all innovations are quickly snapped up by corporate giants that claim them as their due, with buy outs (economic pressure) or simply stolen and utilized via a global market system that the original developer likely does not have access to- even if you manage to obtain a patent before the corporation, they will have the patent in every other country. The functioning of corporations taking innovations produced by employees as their “just due” is exactly the same as that by which the state claims that taxes as their “just due”. They function off a false pretense of autonomy on the part of the employee, that their contract is entered into willingly by a free actor, when the reality is that the economic system is all-encompassing, and that coercion by threat of starvation due to inability to produce is no different from coercion by threat of sword due to refusal of enslavement.
The state is a parasitic organism implanted into our collective consciousness by insane ideologues. It is an autonomous being without physical form that demands tribute under force of death. It is the old testament god given a new and shiny paint, backed by petrodollars and intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles instead of a collection of shepherding tribes. God faked their death, a demented celestial calculon desperately fighting for a place among Lions and Tigers and Bears. They seek to turn the world into a desert, devoid of all but their own poisoned wells and rotten vineyards, a collection of golf courses dotting the ruined landscape of a dead world, and the unfortunate reality is that they won. They have crushed near all outside opposition, leaving us only with the thin thread of hope that their machinations truly will collapse when the world has been consolidated and they can no longer shift the suffering onto outside populaces, and yet- cyberpunk tells us this may not be the end of their infernal machinations. Perhaps new and monstrous forms lie sleeping and dormant, temporarily satiated by blood and hibernating for digestion.
Escape only seems impossible due to the limitations imposed on us by a state-sponsored education system. They are compelled to give us a version of reality which confirms the state’s assertion of immortality and indestructibility. It appears untouchable because the image in our heads has been specifically engineered that way. Though industrialization seems dead set on the consumption and processing of every landmass, transhumanism allows us to look to sea and star- to make viable nomadism both oceanic and stellar in ways that are truly sustainable, allowing us to escape the physical grasp of the state that we might begin working its icy fingers out of the deepest folds of our minds.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
The Etymology of "Left NeoReactionary" or "Left NRx"
To break it into the simplest possible parts, each piece is broadly meant thusly:
Left - opposition to the status quo, often but not necessarily socialist in nature
Neo - an appendage meant to signal that several values were scraped from the following word
Reactionary - Ideologue
The issue with Neo-Reactionaries is that they do not go far enough -- their vision is limited, they are not schizophrenic enough to imagine a world without capitalism, and so they simply seek to wind back the clock to an earlier stage -- they cut the wart and leave the root. They simply seek early capitalist accumulation, maintaining the feudal monopoly on violence but cutting down the bureaucratic class from 6% of the population to 0.6% and continuing this farce for another 600 years, always falling into the boom-and-bust mindset. Ultracapitalists, in the end, are simply more liberals- as liberals themselves are simply more ultranationalists and fascists. The entire right-wing carnival consists of one clown wearing a thousand name tags.
This is where the Left comes into the equation -- when you recognize that the system is functioning as intended, it is not “broken” in any meaningful way, it simply has goals and needs which fundamentally conflict with that of the general population and hopefully your own -- how can you call for it to be perpetuated? To think that modern Liberal Democracy is the best system ever created is comical (it isn’t even the best system currently in operation, familiarize yourself with non-western societies, look to Neo-Zapatismo) and western society has been laser-focused on it’s conception since the Enlightenment. Even modern “dissident” movements like progressivism simply argue about the best way of foisting it on the rest of the world.
Given that the self-described “Reactionaries” have always seemingly been the limp-dicked incest-fetishists bent on re-enslaving 90% of the population, and the Neo-Reactionaries follow in suit, the word Left comes first to ensure you understand that we have looted these concepts. We rifle them from the pockets of a corpse movement shambling along by power of the sheer persistence of grifters, ever-determined to Weekend at Bernie’s their way into power. We know that liberalism is not the peak, and we know that even the people telling us this do so for their own chance at our wallets, and so we are left with the terrifying concept of either building our own future or being forced to speak to minorities and learn about non-western systems.
Through the lens of capitalist realism, "rewinding the clock" to monarchy might not even accomplish that little. The accumulation of information will continue with or without human influence/contribution, and in the same way that Mark Fisher says that Capitalism might function better without supporters, it will function better with the irrational and impulsive humans removed entirely from the equation. Ecocide is an intended feature of the system, a tactical move which has so far reaped incredible benefit and objectively been good for the systems of neoliberalism and capitalism- the cost, comparatively, has been what little they spend on suppressing dissent..
The NeoReactionaries often speak of Whig History, and so, a quick explanation- it is the concept that western society is a perfect model for a people’s development, that it is in fact so perfect that every other must follow in step to achieve enlightened status like us and leave their previous systems of unparalleled savagery behind, that any other form of organization or deviance was primitive and destined to be consumed. This is a joke of a statement to anyone rational, but old white men who claimed to be Enlightened said it was so, And So. It is only natural that this message built to reinforce the western state is itself propagated by the various educational apparatus’ as an objective truth, something that is simply a given.
Wait - but what is a reactionary?
All ideology is reactionary in the end, the implicit agreement when taking on an ideological sigil is that you would defend a system which bore it, and the self-interest of every ideology leads them to strive for total control- none remain peaceful and isolated forever. What we find often in leftist literature, if viewed with a critical eye, is a denunciation of “reactionary” policy despite being one. This hypocrisy is not unusual for ideologues and should not be unexpected, but it is a good example nonetheless, one which sometimes makes people very upset and that’s always fun.
Despite the right’s more open adoption of the label, leftist reactionaries have always existed in the form of luddic undercurrents. We see them pop up time and again in the form of movements like the fence-smashers of the Ottmoor in response to the Inclosure Acts (sic), which by way of their connection to the industrial revolution draw obvious and stark comparison to modern conceptions. And following, time and again, we see the state mercilessly and brutally clamp down on its opposition- we see it malign them time and again (after all, it has all the incentive in the world to malign opponents and exactly none to truthfully convey their grievances) and via the alchemy of capitalist realism a populace is pacified.
The repeated criticism that the left poses towards these leftist reactionary movements is the same as that given to rightist reactionary movement, as it is impossible for them to draw a distinction from their perspective - they are labeled genocidal wholesale, deemed radical extremists for challenging the notion that history is a constant inevitable march unto liberalism, and destroyed utterly in the public consciousness due to the actions of straw-men. I say to them: you too are haunted by the specter of Whig History, the tech-prim divide is a sham!
Of course the state claims that they are immovable! I too claim infallibility at every opportunity, I too claim to be perfect and untouchable and never miss, but everybody knows them for the jokes they are - were it only so clear to you that western propaganda, too, is ultimately comedic. What reason have they (actors on behalf of the State) for ever making any claim other than that they are (A) inevitable and (B) eternal? What reason have they for allowing others to claim the same? None! And so, historically, they have cracked down every time, only allowing through works that masked their subversion in the “Reactionary” language of their times - read Max Stirner, marvel at his enmity towards the Huns, and realize that they are allegory for the Holy Romans.
And so, it is only natural that what little information is available on the subversive ideologies of transhumanism and primitivism leads people to believe that they are incompatible- they are led to believe that the state preceded technology, not the other way around. The industrial revolution and its derivatives have no monopoly on the idea of innovation, and to believe so is to buy into the fundamental lies of Whig History.
The claim that a return to pre-industrial life (the abolishment of industry) necessitates mass death is based on a lie- it is the machinic subsuming of all under the system of capitalism, it is the belief that industrialization and creation are the exact same process- the industrialization of medicine is what invented Medicine, and all else is snake oil and lies - the industrialization of education is what invented Education, and all else is inferior and savage - the industrialization of governance is what invented Government, and all else is anarchic and inefficient - the industrialization of family is what invented Family, and all else is either socialist nonsense or barbaric ravings - on and on and on and on. The cold hard fact is that Singularity will and would have been achieved with or without capitalism, that acceleration is independent from this specific system, and that the claims of genocide are a projection from those who value the luxuries provided by an industrial system over the continued habitability of the Earth. As it turns out, a wheelchair is not so complicated a machine that it is impossible to develop without liberal democracy and a global spanning economic system predicated on children being buried alive in cobalt mines.
Artificial intelligence is the result of an accumulation of data, and we have been conned into thinking that only Google can possibly create it through their patented methods, which themselves can only be propped up via the wholesale theft of our personal data. Even as they make billions yearly off of your knowledge, itself the product of your labor, you yourself are incredibly limited in your ability to transfer data. Life-ruining jail sentences and fines follow those citizens who dare transmit the wrong information in the wrong protocols, and the legal routes to information have been privatized and converted itself into an industrial scheme- people are mechanically pumped for more and more money, more and more of which must be taken in loan from either the state itself or other private vulture operations that themselves pay tithe unto them.
And to any crying “but free education!” I say Read Foucault, a prison is still a prison even if you put your foot down and insist that a taxation scheme would be more effective than the current grift.
What does this mean for Leftism?
Nothing. Modern leftism is itself industrialized, subsumed in a way better displayed in the Black Mirror episode “Fifteen Million Merits” than anything I can describe here. It is as much an apparatus of the state as other industries. What were armies of hobo singers and song-writers have been transformed into a bureaucracy before our eyes- what were armed criminals subverting the monarchist grip have become twitter catboys. Look at Maoism and how it became a marketing decision in the eyes of Constantine “Cus” D’Amato.
“People think they have taken quite an extraordinarily bold step forward when they have rid themselves of belief in hereditary monarchy and swear by the democratic republic. In reality, however, the state is nothing but a machine for the oppression of one class by another, and indeed in the democratic republic no less than in the monarchy.”
Freddy Angles, 1891
What does the environment have to do with any of this?
Everything. The idealized vision of the environment is already dead, replaced with a patchwork of undoable scars and competing invasive species, and even that is in the final stages of life. Moving forward the term will be primarily used to refer to general local flora and fauna, as “the environment” in those terms can be applied to any situation which isn’t urban- festering pigeon and rat infestations do not count as wildlife, they too are components of the system, functionally citizens without representation laboring to ensure our industrialized pest control system doesn’t fail and bring the rest of us down with it. Even the “radical alarmist” positions derided by state media and actors claim that we can still turn this around which is simply no longer true. The great reef has been bleached five timesand the rainforest is being burnt down for cattle farms. The hippies lost.
If you want to know why we continue the battle despite having lost the war, read Blessed is the Flame. I prefer the world dying in peace over allowing the corporations to spitroast it from both ends right up to and after the flatline. They continue to drain Mother Earth’s cold, milky tits at the same rate with no plans to slow down for even a second. The petrol-economy is one of the most critical industries of neoliberalism and only the most easily controlled opposition is allowed any air-time, hence the continued inadequacy and dickless fearmongering of the american Green Party, who spend more time rabble-rousing about how nuclear power is Morally Bad than they do figuring out a way to mine cobalt without burying children alive.
Make no mistake, I harbor no positive sentiment towards children and will be elaborating on post-natalism later, nor do I myself pass a moral judgement on hypocrisy itself, but I say too that you cannot have an expectation that I take them seriously despite it. Green power is itself industrialized and detrimental to the environment despite all of the money that they have spent on advertising to claim otherwise. The very production of solar panels off-gasses sulfur hexafluoride- the deadliest greenhouse gas- in vast quantities. Both solar and wind suffer from unpredictability, being hamstrung by cloudy or non-windy days, leading to a chronic reliance on the usage of batteries to supplement them for the vast majority of time. About a fifth of each lithium ion battery is composed of cobalt, which as mentioned before has chronic child labor issues, but is also itself hugely detrimental to the environment and atmosphere. Solar concentration also creates incredible hot spots throughout the air that birds are unable to see, having the dramatic effect of lighting them on fire mid-air, leading to there being about a dozen burnt birds in the local animal rescue at any given time ever since the installation of a solar farm. Wind is enough of a joke that it doesn’t deserve any further consideration.
Despite this, they tell us that the real threat is nuclear waste, the high-level variant of which lasts for 5 to 15 years at most, and is still safe enough that a barrel of it could sit in your room for a year with no ill effect. The total production of nuclear waste by its chief producer- the United States- would fill one football field to a depth of less than ten yards, and yet, we hollowed out an entire mountain simply for its containment- an effort which was itself derided and replaced with the tactic of simply forcing our nuclear plants to keep their spent nuclear waste on site in the aforementioned barrels, which has worked fine due to the inherent safety of nuclear power plants. There was one meltdown in Chernobyl that killed 31 people and suddenly nuclear programs across the world found themselves kneecapped in infancy- how many die of lung cancer every year due to greenhouse gases? One urban industrial center kills more people every single year than all nuclear means combined throughout history, atomic weapons included.
To make an easy example on a topic with which I am intimately familiar, let’s look at water: it needs to be consumed by every single person on a constant basis. How do you make sure to indefinitely support 4 million water drinkers in a space that previously was occupied by tumbleweeds and sagebrush? Enter: the California Water Wars.
The only way to support the growing population of Los Angeles was through a brutal campaign of chicanery, subterfuge, and lies, through which they obtained vast and extensive water rights, to the point where you can leave the city and drive north for six hours without leaving LADWP land. They drained so many lakes that a windy day would kick arsenic into the air in such quantities that the sky turned red, leading to apocalyptic “Red Days” or similar alkaloid “Keeler Fogs”.
“It’s in a class by itself,” said Duane Ono, the EPA specialist on Owens Lake dust. “There’s nowhere in the country that measures higher concentrations, except during some forest fires.”
Except that we too are a center for forest fires!
The same mechanism that drove LADWP to murder one in six people in the central valley by way of lung cancer is what puts PG&E in the mountain murdering 90 people by way of “Camp Fire” (calculated decision to save money on maintenance), if an industry exists then the state will get its cut by any means necessary. People will acquire their needs by any means necessary, and we have monetized that fact, meaning that similar stories have played out for every resource required at all 10,000 cities which exist at present, all of the uncountable multitudes that have existed since the agricultural revolution, and thanks to the Silurian Hypothesis we have no way of even knowing that we are only industrial civilization within history.
Thankfully Mother Earth is abundant, and can still support us even in so extravagant an expansion, and yet, the dogmatic pursuit of resource accumulation ensures we are given the absolute least possible- it keeps us within a razor’s edge of starvation even as our impulse to survive ensures we infringe enough to get enough of what is left to survive, while the bourgeoisie laugh and pretend the system is “self-managing” rather than calling it what it is, the industrialization of economic violence.
Where does that leave us?
Current conservative projections date us at 15 years out from creating an intelligence greater than our own. If it is greater than our own (for example in terms of sheer efficacy, even if we only succeed at reproducing a human-patterned mind on modern hardware instead of a quivering, gelatinous ball of electrochemical impulses) the mechanical advantages should mean it will itself be capable of producing an intelligence smarter than its own- leading to the usual exponential advance. Singularity will be achieved. We will shed our mortal trappings and become cyber-werewolves, screaming binary into dying suns and entering the datasphere fully, using our hyper-advanced prosthetics to hunt and gather in strange aeons on strange moons as we commune through far-cast waves. Naturally, this idea terrifies the capitalists, as it is awfully hard to levy tax in a post-scarcity society, and an ongoing existence with more than one lifeform will terribly upset all those hierarchies they’ve spent so much time on lining out.
What do we do?
Only you can fully know your own situation. The broad, sweeping strokes remain the same as the ecocide is global, but the closer you get to any situation the more variables begin to branch out and become unmanageable. Once the numbers get too large our ape brains cease being able to grok them and everything moves into the abstract, becoming divorced from your actual physical situation. It is ultimately an animal’s number one goal to Stay Alive and all else comes secondary to that fact- and so you must consider solutions with no regard for what the state, in its infinite and magnanimous wisdom, deems to be unreasonable or impossible.
If you are unsure that your food production is secure (Precarity, for example being dependent on a paycheck-to-paycheck income, the condition of 78% of US workers) then you are only condemning yourself to starvation by refusing to plant tubers because it isn’t “your property”. You are allowing an intangible and incorporeal force to murder you slowly and painfully, defending it every step of the way like a tapeworm with a name.Take advantage of the current information boom brought on by the internet and research ways to produce drinkable water, research optimal crop arrangements and nutritional balances (potatoes are key), begin researching reloading and the basics of ammunition production, none of that is a given unless you are in the privileged class and plan to stay there, and if that is the case you benefit more from propagation of the current system anyways you fucking lib.
Gun clubs are the most broadly viable organizational model I have found. It gives you incredible utility, allowing you to negotiate deals for larger amounts of ammunition and weaponry that would otherwise be locked off to an average citizen, and provides an easy framework for integration. By pitching it as an interest group instead of a political one it gives you a mechanism by which to draw in the politically unaware and radicalize them.
Rural areas will provide a steady stream of prospects by simple virtue of guns being central to rural life, while urban areas afford a denser population of white liberals that think themselves already radicalized despite having never touched a gun. These can be courted by usage of the label “Antifa” and by playing on their latent power fantasies- tell them that yes, having a gun does make you powerful, the only way to oppose the state’s monopoly on violence is to yourself learn to control the means of violent production, and so by the alchemy of ideology do you render a “mutual aid and defense organization with an educational focus” rather than the much-maligned “militia” that many militants or radicals rely on. The idea is to introduce a sort of radical fatigue- a state in which radical thought becomes normalized, expected, and accepted without too much active consideration- then you begin the real discussion. This works well with a lot of otherwise benign Left-aligned groups like Trotskyist reading circles who are otherwise pacified by luxuries.
The other side already has an entire radical-industrial complex in place pumping out dozens of school shooters every year- why is it so crazy to say that our friends and family should be armed and prepared to defend themselves from it? The Industrial Left is necessarily anti-firearm because it would otherwise pose an actual threat to the monopoly on violence and the State can only allow either token resistance or the capability to do it harm. Any groups which seek both have been consistently cracked down on with full force (see MOVE, the Black Panther Party, as well the specific murders of Fred Hampton, Lavoy Finicum, and Vicki Weaver) not to mention the additional civil war fought on US soil over unionization and coal mining which have been suppressed by state media- the only driving ideological force allowed to be portrayed as powerful enough to oppose the state is white supremacy, which too has been subsumed.
The only gun culture allowed to develop without violent intervention is that of the toothless (from the perspective of the state) far right, which is ideologically bound to only use them in its favor. Even when they act in supposed opposition it is under the pretense that they have the state’s real best interests at heart, and that corrupting skandalons have influenced it from the righteous path. As mentioned before, it is not so- capitalism is functioning as intended. Read “Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?” by Mark Fisher if you don’t understand how the system might not only function independent of human supporters but also might function more optimally without them. The machinic process of Capital is itself a form of artificial intelligence, a self-correcting super-structure of data points with goals and needs.
But the information is out there. It is easier than ever to fill gaps in your information and seek the status of the Anarchist Strawman Ubermensch- the one-man walking society capable of solving every issue that statists currently demand in answer to their question, “How do you replace us?” as more time than ever has been dedicated to the science of optimal production. Food has been a solved problem for a long time, we know how many calories we need and what nutritional balance to strive for, and there will be extensive documentation at any library you can visit. Magic tubers from the new world known as “potatoes” can be grown in a 5x5x5 cube in large enough quantities to sustain a human of nearly any size, and they provide nearly every nutrient necessary to your function, fully rounded out by the addition of a square of butter to each serving. There are extensive manuals detailing water condensation and purification methods, and thousands of hours of youtube videos to the same effect. The primary shortcoming of information at the moment is regarding the production of firearms.
Read PA Luty. Assemble a ghost gun from ar15 uppers, lowers, and parts kits. Spend as much spare time as you can practicing firearm usage and teaching it to others who might need it - especially the demographics that are statistically most in danger of violence, such as black and/or trans individuals. Sponsor/become SRA, Pink Pistol, or John Brown Gun Club chapters if you think those labels would appeal to the local population.
Do what you think is necessary to ensure your safety, as it is very likely the US is going to fall apart in the near future leaving a lot of people flat footed. Do what you are reasonably capable of in your situation - nothing can be demanded or expected of you, as you owe me nothing.
But most important of all is to remember to have fun. Otherwise, what’s the point?
What did you mean by Post-Natalism earlier?
Natalism is the belief that birth is always good, it is the root of the pro-life current in the modern United States. It is the mechanism by which capitalist systems ensure they maintain heavy rates of return on their most important resource- human bodies, and the labor therein. The nuclear family has been weaponized in this pursuit, enshrined in law and heavily centered in any state-sponsored or -allowed media, culturally encoded and patterned to the point where people believe it is the only way things could possibly be done. And all of this conflicts with the core fact that babies actually fucking suck.
There are exactly zero situations that are improved by the introduction of a screaming shit-factory, they are at their best and most loved when they’re asleep, not doing any actual baby things like screaming or vomiting. Their presence in public is a constant nuisance, most of their futures end in alienation-driven shootings or ecocide, and dumb motherfuckers will never stop bringing them into movie theaters.
And so, anti-Natalism seems like the natural position, but actually that fucking sucks too, shut the hell up.
The anti-Natalist movement itself is rooted in moral judgements which place the same undue importance on the subject in question. To claim that Birth is Bad and seek to impose your will wholesale is as much folly as to claim that Birth is Good and seek to impose your will wholesale, as can be seen the ineffective abortion bans of the United States- people will go to incredible lengths to preserve their physical life and birth is a direct threat to that, whereas many others seek to preserve a sort of spiritual/ancestral life by spawning and propagating. What we see now are competing currents within the wider industrial milieu- the discussion of whether you get more return from focusing on the nuclear family model or if it is wiser to diversify investments and monetize those who wish to escape the system. Neither of these answers fully satisfy me, any systems of industrialized reproduction provide massive impediments to my well-being in the simple physical form of ever-present creatures capable of causing hearing damage or overwhelming limited sensory capacities, the very production of which takes lives at an alarming rate.
What need have I for the supposed benefits that come with these dangers, the assurances of fulfillment and propagation through industrial reproduction, when I hope to see Singularity and Immortality? My children will be digital patterns, self-replicating virusforms feeding off spare information in the datasphere. They will be ideologues patterning behavior in ways understood instinctually and intuitively rather than consciously. There are other paths in the undergrowth, you need only seek them out and leave behind the comfort of the routine underfoot.
The current family-form is nothing to me, a social construct produced by and for the state, a social relation given mystical significance and power by way of state proceeds. It is a piece of tax paperwork that the state has dedicated holidays to. The idea that the blood of the covenant runs thicker than the waters of the womb is not a new or radical one, but the state maligns it as such just the same. My conception of family is a purely material one, one in line with the reality of any other property dynamic - they are those that you are willing to defend with violence. Family is itself a form of theft, the seizing of another’s autonomy and then aligning them to your tribal core.
And so we are left with the task of finding a label to distinguish rejection of both propagation and negation- leading us to post-natalism, a blanket term seeking to fill the seeming void outside of the natalist dichotomy’s monopoly until we can drop natal from the discussion entirely.
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
Only by pursuit of an outside perspective can we hope to ground ourselves in the reality of our situation. Given that
A) any theory predicated on the information fed to you by state-controlled outlets is suspect and all modern media outlets are state-controlled,
B)it is impossible to properly orient oneself without some form of external influence to balance out the influence of numerous internal biases
We are seemingly devoid of alternative lenses by which to interpret the world. The oncoming wall of monopolization has nearly reached peak, but we still have a foolproof method of grounding ourselves and loosening their grip: psychedelics. Capital has yet to subsume the machine elves (seemingly), or to find a way to nullify the introspective qualities of things like LSD or Psilocybin. Even solely the disruption of a consistent visual “reality” feed is enough to shock the mind into questioning and interrogating other senses or beliefs that are seemingly likewise derived from a consistent material fact, let alone the actual mechanical work done to your brain’s chemistry.
Combining them (or any psychoactive drug, as voluntarily altering your own brain chemistry in contradiction to the state’s will is an act of praxis) with meditation practices like mindfulness and performing firm but gentle probing of your body’s limitations and operations can contribute greatly to the pursuit of inspecting and evaluating the fundamental building blocks of your worldview.
Through this lens we can observe the self as a collection of impulses and memories, a viral superstructure of data built onto the mind of an ape, and view how it ripples from moment to moment and assumes a new configuration with every memory or concept added to the collective. We can view how social constructs implant select shibboleths into the group, mind-brands, ideological leashes tugging the mass towards their intended direction and goal. These arrangements of data exist in constant states and stages of mutual cannibalization, each neuron cluster writing and re-writing itself as necessary to avoid cognitive dissonance by incorporation and subsumation of the competing influence. These incorporated ideas often continue to function as organelles within the broader data-cluster, providing important anchors by which the new configuration continues to ground itself and expand. Given that our thoughts are observable and thus distinct from You//Creative Nothing//Unique they must then be representations of this constant internal civil war. If you doubt that the dataform could hold autonomous beings other than yourself research split-brain theorem- each hemisphere holds a fully independent and functional consciousness, but only the left holds a speech center, and thereby is the right hemisphere sentenced to a life of silent servitude in any society based on bureaucracy of communication. You, the hemisphere reading this, have been a slave owner your entire life--as have I. Even now I write this with no indication to my neighbor’s will on the matter.
In this perception, then, society is a larger and more intricate set of data points, with distinct forms of reproducing populations acting as competing class organelles. By the methods of self-augmentation, either physically or mentally, we must seek to achieve forms that can pierce the outer hide of the beast- ones that can not only escape the beast but survive outside of it. We must strive to become Ousters(Hyperion Cantos), nomadic and self-modifying hives outside of all dimensions of the state grip. This can only be achieved on land in places where the invisible hand lays slack, but international waters hold promising ground. An oceanic commune akin to the one depicted in Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson could easily achieve self-sustenance by combining modern knowledge with outside traditional sources such as in Polynesia. Excess goods could be traded for luxuries such as Zapatista coffee while providing a natural basing ground for actions against things like whaling industries. New and novel forms of conduct and governance could flourish in the unique geopolitical situation granted by such a setup. Cooperative agreements could be built with any coastal or oceanic group--schemes could be as simple as trading fish for insulin with coastal towns or as complex as radicalizing the descendants of soviet dolphins through tactical hand jobs and using them to ward off American nuclear submarines.
Meal worms have comparable nutritional value to beef and can be reared on the surplus from 3d tuber farms, with supplemental fishing for B vitamins. The primary threat is storm more than anything else, but this too has primarily been solved in modern ship designs, and the lashing together of numerous ships would only increase the defense against capsizing, reducing the danger to occasional splits- which themselves could serve as methods of community-level reproduction, one becoming two by power of storm and continuing to grow and develop as sister-ships.
Regardless of exact method and velocity of escape, it must be sufficiently armed and armored so as to make the cost of stopping your escape more than can be justified by the returns they would get from your consumption. Their actions and decisions are limited by their economic dependency, by foreknowledge that they are bound to pursue the most profitable option, we must attempt to manipulate our existence into that which is least profitable to them.
You can accumulate exactly enough to purchase an assault rifle and a van, drive to another county, and immediately be approved for food stamps due to being homeless-- often there is a waiting period of 3 days (if “expedited”) to 2 weeks (if black), and it is important to research your destination to pre-stockpile resources for the expected waiting period prior to beginning the approach to escape velocity. This can require as little as ten dollars if you are willing to eat ramen for a few days, which can be easily cooked in gas station microwaves or bathrooms with particularly hot sink water. Shoplifting preserved food can be an easy source of protein, or if you seek pure dollar to calorie efficiency you can buy sugary offbrand soda- again, research and exploration of your own situation and locality is key. By minimizing your cash expenses and maximizing your drain on the state you tilt the inevitable conflict slightly in your favor, while directly economically incentivizing them to let you go. There is a reason NeoLiberals pass law after law in pursuit of destroying the “welfare queens” and “leeches”--they fear them!
The unfortunate reality is that Singularity will likely predate any form of functional idealism such as oceanic nomadism. A further one is that, given Capital functions fully in an environment with abundancy far beyond what could ever possibly utilize it, a post-scarcity environment may not be so fundamentally different from the conditions in which it was conceived. As Capital subsumes what few scraps of the artificial renaissance drift down to its pit of oil and blood it will continue its process of machinic self-modulation and grow into new and monstrous forms. The NeoLiberals will not release their global hegemony willingly or quietly, for even as the withering away of the state proceeds it will be viewed as simply another bust to be overcome via austerity and force. Our attempts at removal can be contextualized as market regressions and counteracted, at least for a limited time- once enough of us have achieved stability within precarity, life by way of leech, will need to transition into self-sustenance with a frightening quickness, one which will surely be met with myriad groups with myriad decisions regarding the extent of planning necessary for this stage.
Modified Declaration
An interpretation of the Transhumanist Declaration with the intent of converting (and in the process, destroying) humanity more efficiently,...
To break it into the simplest possible parts, each piece is broadly meant thusly: Left - opposition to the status quo, often but not necess...
Only you can fully know your own situation. The broad, sweeping strokes remain the same as the ecocide is global, but the closer you get to...
I think I have identified as a transhumanist for about a decade at this point, with full recognition that there are a lot of major issue...